Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tastes Change...A Lot

I've heard so many meat eaters say that they could never be vegan because they "just like meat too much" and a lot of vegetarians say that they "just like cheese too much." I'm sure they really think that's true. Here's the thing though people; tastes change. I'm not saying it's not difficult because, at first, it is. After a while though it's not difficult anymore. After a while you don't even miss those foods you used to eat. In fact, after a while they start to look, and smell, disgusting to you. I'm not just talking about animal products either, I'm talking about all unhealthy foods. When I was a kid I ate so much unhealthy food that when I think about it now I can't even believe it. I loved it. I would eat anything that was sugary or greasy or cheesy, and lots of it. When I first became vegan I searched for replacements for those things. Where I live though, they're hard to find and when I could find them they were more expensive than I could afford to buy on a regular basis. So I just said "fuck it" and gave them up altogether. Now I can't even think about eating most of that stuff without getting grossed out. It doesn't even look like food to me anymore. So to anyone who thinks they can't be vegan, or they can't eat healthy. Yes you can. You just have to have a little bit of willpower and a little bit of patience and I guarantee you, if you can just wait it out, you'll be so much better off in the long run.

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