Saturday, November 16, 2013

Progress (or lack thereof)

Remember this post where I talked about all the things I planned to do this year? Well, this blog is rapidly approaching it's one year anniversary and I have accomplished basically nothing on that list. Also, remember this post where I talked about all the things I want to do in my life? I have not accomplished any of those either. When I realized how little my life has progressed over the last year, it really bothered me. I thought that I would, at least, be a tiny bit closer to where I want to be in my life after a year. Instead I feel like I have not moved at all or, worse yet, that I may have actually moved backward.
I was trying to come up with an image for this post, and I thought of the freeze ray from Buffy (you know, like I've been frozen in place for the last year?). Then I thought "Wow, that's really dumb." but then I was like "Yeah, but I don't have time to come up with anything better." So, sorry guys you're stuck with the stupid freeze ray. 


  1. At the very least, you've kept up with this blog. That's not nothing!

    1. I suppose that's true. It's still pretty disappointing though.
