Saturday, November 9, 2013

There's a Smell?

Goodwill shares a parking lot with several restaurants. It seems that one of these restaurants, though I couldn't tell you which one, contains a potent grease smell capable of permeating the clothing and hair of anyone who sets foot inside. I know this because, nearly every day, we get multiple people in the store who all exude the exact same greasy food smell. For a while, I was completely perplexed by this. I could not figure out why so many people who shop at Goodwill smelled like grease. Then I realized that it must be one of the restaurants. I certainly hope that's the case anyway; if there really is some strange correlation between shopping at Goodwill and smelling like greasy food, I would find that rather unnerving. Anyway, I assume these people are unaware that they are walking around with a thick cloud of fatty food odor around them and I often wonder how they would feel if they were aware of it.
I imagine it's rather like that burger smell that Buffy was so disturbed by.