Monday, November 18, 2013

Procrastination, Never a Good Idea

Do you ever put off the most mundane shit for so long that it becomes this incredibly daunting task, that you can't imagine yourself ever completing? Because I sure as hell do. I haven't checked my email in a couple of weeks, which I knew was a big mistake, and yesterday I tried to check it and found 827 unread emails in my inbox. I ask you, how the fuck am I ever supposed to sort through that many emails? Also, our kitchen has been entirely overrun by glass jars. They have the residue from various types of nut butters in them, and they have accumulated so much over the last few (weeks?, months? I don't ever remember anymore) that the idea of washing them all just seems unreasonable.
Eventually, I suppose I will get to this point. 


  1. Holy crap! That's a lot of emails (and jars, I suppose). Good luck!
