Friday, April 12, 2013


Very soon the semester is going to be over. This signifies two things 1- I am going to be very relieved. 2- I am going to be very bored. Obviously, I am going to have to find a job. Whether I get the police job or not, I have to get some kind of job or I'm not going to be able to eat, but I also need to have something to do with my time. You know what would be really great? If sometime over the summer I could manage to actually find something that I enjoy doing. Maybe some sort of social activity? Something fun? I don't even think I understand the concept of fun anymore; in fact, I'm not sure I ever did. There was a time when I thought I was having fun, but in retrospect it seems kind of awful.


  1. My dream summer job was always a greenhouse job, but I am widely considered to be crazy. . . LOL.
