Wednesday, August 14, 2013

That Has to Count for Something, Right?

What does it mean to be really good at something that you see little to no value in? It seems that I am actually quite good at my job. Sometimes I even feel good about the fact that I'm good at it, then I remember that it's basically meaningless and I just feel like a fool for forgetting that in the first place. At least once a week I have a customer tell me how nice, or friendly, or helpful I am. The other night one of the managers told me that I am one of the only cashiers whose judgement she trusts. Today I heard that I helped the store to get a nearly perfect score form a "secret shopper" because I did such a good job of helping her when she came in. Also, I have had tons of customers, some who I didn't even recognize, tell me how happy they are that I'm back. Sometimes I think all of that has to count for something, but then other times I think "Are you serious? You're a fucking cashier! Nothing you do counts for anything."
I suppose it could be worse. At least I don't work at the Doublemeat Palace. 


  1. We can all be glad we don't work at the Doublemeat Palace! In all seriousness, you should be proud that you are good at your job, no matter what the job is.

    1. Very true! I mean the hat alone.....It was really funny when I watched that episode with my dad, because he's never had a really shitty job like that. So I kept trying to explain all of the jokes to him. He thought they were exaggerating, but they really weren't, hahah.

      Thank you, I'll try :)Sometimes I think I'd rather be bad at it though. That way I wouldn't have to care.

    2. Your dad is damn lucky. I thought everyone has at least one shit job.

    3. I know! He's always telling me "Oh it's not that bad" and I'm like "No. You don't get it."
