Sunday, June 9, 2013

Who Writes this Shit?

I don't know how often advertising actually convinces people to buy products, but I know it has certainly been very effective at preventing me from buying a lot of products. I absolutely refuse to support companies whose ad campaigns annoy the fuck out of me. For example, I will NEVER own a Swiffer! Those are probably the most annoying commercials I have ever seen and I will not give the company any reason to believe that they actually worked. Today we bought some chips, which were actually quite good, however I started reading the back of the bag and they said "Great for dippin or just plain chippin!" to which I replied "I will never buy you again!"
Companies should hire Allie from Hyperbole and a Half to write their ad campaigns. I would totally buy these!


  1. I would eat Blob Flakes every day.

    1. Me too! Plus that whole posts made me laugh hysterically. She is fantastic.
