Saturday, June 22, 2013

Gee Thanks for Reminding Me!

I don't think there is anything in this world that makes me feel worse about my life than seeing people I haven't seen for a long time. Why? Because the first thing they always ask is "So what have you been doing?"  Of course this seems like a totally harmless question to most people but, for those of us who still haven't the slightest idea what the fuck we are doing with our lives, this is just about the most difficult question to answer. The choices are either lie, or tell the truth and get in return that awkward smile and an "Oh." followed by awkward silence or some attempt at acting like you are not a complete and utter failure. Oh wait, there is something that makes me feel worse about my life than that; coming home from such an encounter and having to scrub piss off the floor for the THIRD TIME IN ONE DAY! I have no job, no relationship, no social life, and I basically live in a fucking sewer. It doesn't get a whole hell of a lot lower than that.
I'm basically a shifter, except at least they get to pretend they are other people. 

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