Saturday, June 29, 2013

I Knew I Should Have Stayed Home Today

Do you ever have those day where you just really feel like you should stay home? Like vehemently don't want to go out of the house? Every time I have one of those days (well not every time, but most times) I end up talking myself into doing whatever it is that I'm supposed to do, despite my reservations, and you know what? I almost invariably regret it. I always think "If I just make myself do this, I'll be glad that I did in the long run." but you know what? I'm not! I have found that, on those days, things tend to go exceptionally wrong. I'm telling you, damn near every time I talk myself into doing shit that I know I should do, but REALLY don't want to, I end up wishing I had just stayed home.
That's right, this post is a Magic School Bus reference. What of it? 


  1. I kind of love the Magic School Bus reference, but I'm sorry you had a bad day.

    1. Thank you :) I used to love that show so much when I was a kid.
