Friday, January 17, 2014


This is my 400th post here and, you my have noticed that, I like to commemorate every hundredth post with some sort of list. Well, I couldn't think of anything I really wanted to make a list of. So I decided to go all Welcome to Night Vale and just make a "list of things." That's what I love about Night Vale, they manage to say the most absurd things yet somehow make them sort of profound, in some way. The "list of things" was just that, a list of random things, yet each thing somehow managed to evoke a very particular feeling/emotion/sensation. Anyway, I thought I would give it a shot myself, and see if I could manage to pull it off nearly as well as they did. So here goes. 

1- Your favorite song
2- Razor burn
3- Clothes straight out of the dryer
4- Unrecognizable, yet familiar, smells
5- Damp dishrags that have been laying in the sink for days
6- A really good book 
7- Pea-gravel 
8- Socks with holes in the toes
9- Deja Vu
10- A cat purring
11- A human purring
12- An empty box
13- Something moving inside a supposedly empty box
14- A scratched CD
15- A hair on your clothes that doesn't belong to you
16- Thunderstorms
17- Guilty pleasures
18- Lost time
19- Childhood fantasies
20- Dirty looks
21- Old friends you thought you'd never see again
22- Old acquaintances you hoped you'd never see again
23- Dryer lint 
24- Disappointment 
25- Paper cuts
26- Beauty products that smell like food 
27- The clicking of a pen
28- Stubbed toes
29- Static electricity
30- Unaccomplished goals
31- Snow clinging to tree branches 
32- Unidentified moisture
33- Fine dust on your finger tips
34- Nostalgia 
35- Missed opportunities  
36- Good conversations 
37- Awkward conversations
38- Shower steam
39- Old food in tupperware containers
40- A hole in your favorite shirt
41- The instant before a dropped glass hits the floor 
42- Musty basements 
43- Hangnails 
44- A face that looks familiar, but you don't know why
45- A thought that makes you smile when you're alone
46- A cloud that moves across the sun
47- The look on a dog's face when he has done something wrong
48- The sound a guinea pig makes 
49- A really bad song you used to love when you were young
50- Clumpy mascara
51- Contemplating life with a good friend
52- Contemplating life by yourself
53- A slightly damp handshake
54- Something given to you by someone you don't know anymore
55- Gas pump handles 
56- Interviewing for a job you don't really want
57- Food stuck in your teeth that you're not sure how long it's been there
58- The decision to throw something away instead of bothering to recycle it
59- Pictures of your parents when they were young
60- A job well-done
61- A job not-so-well-done
62- Eraser dust
63- Frost on a window
64- Frost on your car windshield
65- That feeling that you're forgetting something
66- An instant of eye-contact with a stranger
67- Regret
68- Knowing that you are right, but that you will never convince anyone else
69- Kindred spirits
70- Hot coffee
71- Vaguely cool coffee
72- Tripping over your own feet in public
73- The feeling that your life is about to change
74- The feeling that your life will never change
75- Jeans that just don't fit quite right
76- Someone laughing at your jokes
77- Bare light bulbs
78-  Strange dreams, half remembered
79- Good dreams, mostly forgotten
80- Bruises that you don't remember getting 
81- The memory of a good experience you know you'll never have again
82- That piece of hair that will never stay in place
83- An old pair of shoes
84- Once loved toys that are now forgotten
85- Warm sunlight on your face
86- Falling asleep in the backseat, on the way back from a long trip 
87- Uncontrollable laughter 
88- A patch of stubble when you just shaved
89- A movie you haven't seen in years
90- Your old school pictures
91- That sudden sensation of falling that jolts you out of sleep 
92- Cracking knuckles
93- Clothing racks in department stores
94- Colors that are a little too bright 
95- Sand between your toes
96- Dirt under your fingernails 
97- Under-cooked rice
98- Over-cooked pasta
99- The idea of love
100- The reality of life  

I seriously considered trying to come up with 400 of these, but then I decided that would be insane and probably make you all hate me. So I stuck with 100, which is probably still too many. 

By the way, here is the transcript  to the episode of Night Vale with the "list of things."

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