Tuesday, October 1, 2013

But I Don't Want to!

Do you ever have days when you just simply do not feel capable of dealing with other humans? Well I do. Yesterday was one of those days. I had a three day weekend, and I had all this shit that I wanted to get done. Well, I didn't do it Saturday because we went to the Palace of Gold; I didn't do it Sunday because I overslept, and then I did my tarot cards, and then I don't really know what happened. The point is, nothing got accomplished. So yesterday I was all prepared to spend the entire day catching up on laundry and dishes and whatever else that needed to be done; and I was okay with this, pleased about it even. Then (duhn! duhn! duhn!) I realized I was out of pig food and spent pretty much the entire rest of the day trying to figure out how I could possibly acquire some without having to leave the house and interact with society. Needless to say, I didn't come up with anything. So I spent a few more hours flipping out about it and then at 7:00 I finally managed to force myself out of the house, looking just lovely too. I was wearing just enough makeup to make me look human and a huge hoodie because "it was cold" but really because I just couldn't handle to idea of putting on a bra. I made it to Tractor Supply about fifteen minutes before they closed and sprinted through the store like a fucking lunatic, because I hate it when people go into stores right at closing. Some days, acting like a person is just too much for me. You know?