Thursday, May 9, 2013

Eh, It's Just a Scratch

As I'm sure you've all realized, I'm a bit of a health nut. I do everything I can to take care of my body, except when it comes to certain things. For some reason, there are a few things that normal people consider common sense that I just don't like doing. I don't like doing them because for whatever reason, they make me feel weak, or winy, or something. One of these things is taking care of wounds. I haven't used a bandaid, or ointment, or anything besides soap and water on a wound for years. Right now, I have what started out as a cat scratch that has now become a giant disgusting looking wound and is no doubt going to leave a rather obvious scar. This is not the only common sense thing that I have an unreasonable aversion to, but it's probably the most harmful.


  1. Replies
    1. Hahah, thank you. It's from season 8, I don't know if you've seen any of it but Meg gets pretty beat up.
