Friday, May 24, 2013

Checked in

We just arrived in New York. I don't really have anything exciting to say because we pretty much spent the entire day in the car. Hopefully tomorrow night I will have something better to talk about. Also, I hate hotel rooms. Just saying. This one isn't even bad; I just don't like having to try to fit my life into a single tiny room. Also, if I'm going to workout tomorrow, which I do EVERY day I will probably have to go out in the hallway because there simply isn't enough space in here. We'll see if I can actually make myself do that.
And it doesn't even have crazy retro wallpaper or one of those weird divider things like Sam and Dean's rooms always have. 


  1. Their rooms are always cool, even when they are sketchy.

    1. I know! I would definitely prefer a weird sketchy room to an average hotel room. They're always just so boring and kind of depressing to me.
