Sunday, December 8, 2013

Gripe List

As promised, here is a list of all the things I was hoping would be addressed at the end of Battlestar Galactica. Spoilers, obviously.

1. What was the deal with Daniel? They brought up this missing Cylon and how the others had done something to him, and I kept waiting for him to be relevant to the story somehow but, as far as I could tell, he never really was.

2.How did Baltar survive the attack on Caprica? I just don't believe that Six standing in front of him would protect him from a nuclear blast. For a while I thought maybe he was a Cylon. Then, toward the end, I thought maybe whatever happened to Starbuck to allow her to come back from the dead also happened to him, but no.

3.What the fuck did happen to Starbuck? Coming back from the dead is weird enough, but where did the new Viper come from, and why was it picking up signals from Earth?

4. What exactly was that design that kept showing up? The one that Starbuck kept drawing. It looked kind of like lots of things, and she kept seeing it everywhere but they never actually told us what it was.

5. Why was Hera the only character on the whole show named after a goddess? I mean, some of the others had call signs that were the names of gods or goddesses, but none of their real names were.

6. Who were the "angels" really? I don't feel like they were actually angels and, at the end, the one who looked like Baltar said something about God and the one who looked like Six said "He doesn't like to be called that." So if they didn't actually work for the real God, who did they work for?

7. I kept waiting for some of the pilots' call signs to be significant. Some of them were so weird that they almost had to mean something, and we knew that they had to have meant something to whoever gave them those names, but we never got to know.

8. Why was Baltar trying to piss off the centurions? There was an episode, I think toward the end of season four, where Baltar and some of the others were on the Cylon base ship. I think it was when Lucy Lawless's character was trying to get the four to come join them. Baltar goes up to one of the centurions and starts telling him how the other Cylons are treating the centurions unfairly. What the fuck was his goal here? Did he really think that was going to end well for anyone?

9. Come to think of it, what happened to Lucy Lawless's character? Did she really just sit alone on Earth and starve to death?

10. What the was the deal with All Along the Watch Tower?! That bugged me more than anything else in the entire show! I really, really wanted this to make sense. You know what? I'm going to do a separate post just about the fucking song.

11. Remember the Arrow of Apollo? I kept thinking that since "all of this has happened before and all of this will happen again" that the Arrow of Apollo would have something to do with Apollo (Lee). But no.

12. In the last season, they kept showing Adama taking pills. What were those?! He kept holding his shoulder when he took them, and I assumed they were trying to tell us that he had a heart condition. I actually assumed that they were setting it up for him to die at the same time that Roslin did. Instead they just let us wonder whether he was having health issues or was just becoming an addict.

13. What actually happened on Earth? They gave us some of the story, but I wanted more. What led up to it's destruction? How exactly did the final five survive when no one else did? Who were they there? What were their lives like?

14. Why did half the characters on the show have hallucinations? It seemed like someone was always seeing things that weren't really there and they never give any explanation for most of them. The "angels", Lampkin's cat, Adama's ex-wife, all the weird shit Starbuck kept seeing, Tigh seeing Ellen all the time, etc.

15. Why could some people see the "angels"? So, maybe Six saw them because if the whole Cylon Projection thing, but what about Baltar and Starbuck? I thought maybe it had something to do with coming back from the dead, but they never say that actually happened to Baltar.

16. What exactly was the deal with Cylon projection? It just seems like that should have had more meaning than it did.

17. In what way was Starbuck the harbinger of death? I assumed it would have something to do with the Cylons and humans mixing together to form a new race. She would "lead humanity to it's end" by leading them to a peaceful existence with the Cylons so that they would create a new population of half Cylon half Humans. They never tell us that's what it meant though, and since they landed on our Earth with a whole new population of humans, I don't really know if that is what they were going for or not.

18. Why did the one hybrid call himself the Cylon god? Remember the one from Razor? I mean, he wasn't their God, right? He died at the end of that episode, didn't he? So why did he say that?

19. The hybrid on the base ship said something about the "children of the ones reborn" finding their own home, or something like that. When Tigh had the flashback to Earth, he saw Ellen tell him that they would be reborn together. So, I thought the "children of the ones reborn" would be the children of the final five, but none of them ended up having children. So who was reborn? and who were their children? I think Hera was the only child they ever really talked about. Were they talking about the entire population being reborn by starting fresh on our Earth? I don't know.

20. Everything the hybrid said. I really thought that they would eventually explain all of the seemingly nonsensical mumbling that she was always doing, but most of it was never addressed.

21. Why did Roslin make it to Earth..... twice. I thought the "dying leader" was never supposed to make it to Earth, according to the prophecy? Instead, she made it to two Earths.

22. Remember the weird disease that killed a shit-ton of Cylons? What was up with that?

23. Why did Leoben suddenly abandon Starbuck when he found out that she had come back form the dead? From the first time he met her, he kept talking about her special destiny. Then he finds out that she experience a genuine miracle ( I guess) and he's like "Nope. I'm done." Why?

24. The Cylons had this idea that love was the secret to conceiving children. What was the significance of that? Obviously love was not the secret, because Hera was the only Cylon child that was born. Were we supposed to be seeing that it's just sort of random for the Cylons, just like it is for humans? Like, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't? If that were the case, you would think they would have managed more than one.

25. Starbuck and Anders' tattoos. They were really cool tattoos, and I want to know what they meant. I mean people don't just get matching tattoos for no reason. Were they some sort of marriage ritual? What were they?

26. The opera house; everything about it. None of that made sense to me at all. I really got the impression that they wrote that in without thinking it through. Then they got to the end and realized that they didn't know what to do with it. Then someone was like "I know! What if Galactica was the opera house?" Was it Cylon projection? If so, who was projecting it? and why? I feel like they made that whole thing seem way more significant than it ended up being.

27. I wanted to know more about Gaeta. Right before he was executed, he said something about wanting people to know who he really was. I was hoping that we would get more of his back-story after that, but we didn't.

28. Why did no one seem to care that much that Athena kept killing people? She killed the one Six who was not doing anything wrong, I know she was scared for Hera but still. Then she killed Boomer when she was actually trying to help them. I don't know, I just felt like someone should have taken her gun away from her.

29. How long were Baltar and Six together, back on Caprica? Did he really never ask her name in all the time they were together?

30. ^ This. All of this. When he took off in the Raptor and said goodbye to everyone, I just assumed that he was going to crash it. He had said before that he couldn't live without her, so I just thought he was going to make sure that they died together. Instead, he waits until she is dead and then puts his wedding ring, from his previous marriage (kind of not very romantic) on her finger. Then he just parks on top of a mountain and sits around and talks to himself about cabins. What?

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