Sunday, March 10, 2013

No Clever and/or Funny Image Today

I don't even know if I should write about this because it's horrible and disturbing, and if you don't want to hear anything horrible or disturbing I recommend that you don't read this, but I said before that I was going to be honest here and talking about anything else today would be dishonest.

This morning I was getting ready to go feed Riley and Petunia and, as I was filling up the water buckets, I was thinking about what I was going to write here today. I was actually thinking that I would write that things might finally be turning around. I got up this morning and it was warm and sunny outside and, so far, I have found no sing that Impala has pissed on anything for the past 24 hours. Then I take the buckets out to put them in the car and there, laying in our driveway, is a dead cat with the bottom half of his face missing.

My dad has a pretty large group of (mostly) feral cats living outside his house. We feed and water them, but  most of them won't let us touch them or even get very close to them. Some of them we have named, but other's are hard for us to even tell apart. This was one of the ones I didn't really know, and his lower jaw had been ripped completely, and cleanly, off of his face. I have never seen anything like it in my life; it was fucking horrible. My dad says he was hit by a car, but I swear I don't know how it could have happened. His jaw was just gone.

I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before or not but there is this trend in my life that, on the rare occasion, when I actually start to feel better about things something always goes terribly wrong. Well apparently I have to be more careful to make sure that I stay miserable all the time, or my bad luck will not only come back to bite me in the ass but it's going to start attacking those around me as well.


  1. Oh, No! I am so sorry. That poor kitty. I hope he didn't suffer too terribly.

    1. I hope not too :( I feel really terrible about it. I wish we had some way to protect them.
