Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy Solstice! Also, Prelude to the Anniversary Post.

Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of this blog. I would like to thank all of you for reading my ridiculous ramblings for a year, and I wanted to do something special for the anniversary but wasn't really sure what to do. So last week I asked for your input and Rachel requested deep dark secrets which, when I really started thinking about it, is fairly difficult because, over the course of the last year, I've told you guys a shit-ton of stuff that I don't normally talk about. I didn't want to disappoint any of my readers so I did finally manage to come up with one last thing that I have yet to confess to you guys, and it will be revealed tomorrow. I'm hoping to make this a really fun post, complete with all the things this blog is known for (or, more accurately, all the things this blog would be known for if it was known at all.) including, but not limited to; me over-sharing and making everyone uncomfortable, lists, and (extra) nerdy images and pop culture references. I hope you like it.

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