Friday, March 8, 2013

What the Fuck Happened!?

I don't know what is going on lately. It used to be that I was terrible at dealing with people but I genuinely enjoyed the company of nonhuman animals. Recently, I swear to god, it seems like every living thing in a fifty mile radius is conspiring to make me lose my fucking mind. There are certain things in my life that always have (and I'm sure always will) caused me a great deal of stress. Recently it's like the whole universe is just feeding off of those things and turning me into this mangled mass of rage, frustration and helplessness. The three things that have been a pretty consistent source of trouble in my life have been; my issue with germs, my difficulty managing my time which causes me to run late for everything and (related to the previous issue) the fact that I am always struggling to get the right amount of sleep. Last night, I was was just barely going to get five hours of sleep. So naturally my dad's dogs wait until I just barely fall asleep and then they start howling, not barking, howling! They do this for about five minutes, then I just start to drift back off and they start again! Then, about an hour before I was going to get up, Riley starts barking. I yell at him to stop and he eventually does. Then we repeat the process three times. So this morning I'm stumbling around like a damn zombie, trying to get ready. I'm standing at the bathroom sink and I suddenly realize that my feet are wet. I look down and the entire bathroom floor is covered in piss! I mean the entire floor. Impala's favorite place to piss has been the towel that was on the bathroom floor. So I moved it thinking that he might use, oh I don't know maybe the litter box, instead? No! He just uses the entire bathroom floor. So now not only am I completely disgusted because my feet are drenched in piss, but I'm also even more behind schedule than I already was because I had to scrub the whole bathroom floor and my feet. Fucking awesome! I wish I could say this was just today, but this has been a consistent pattern for the past few months and it's only getting worse. I don't understand what is going on.  

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