Thursday, March 21, 2013

Things That Make Me More Happy Than They Should

As I'm sure most people who read this blog have figured out, I'm not the happiest person in the world. However, there are a few things that I thoroughly enjoy. Most of these things are quite strange and predominantly overlooked by most people.

1. My new workout routine, especially the running part. It sucks ass while I'm doing it, but I feel really good afterward. I think it might be some sort of high from lack of oxygen.
2. Netflix.
3. That on Supernatural last night, Meg called Cas her unicorn. I fucking loved that!
4. The sound my boots make when I walk under the overpass on my way to class. It's a pretty long walk from where I park to my classes and I always look forward to the ten seconds or so that I'm under the overpass because my boots make this cool echoy (echoey? echoie? I guess that's just not a word no matter how you spell it) sound as if I'm in a cave.
5. Listening to good music when I'm in the car by myself. I get WAY too into it.
6. Getting an extra day off from class, even though I never do anything good with it.
7. That feeling in the air when it's just a tiny bit chilly and there is a slight breeze that somehow feels warmer than the rest of the air.
8. Sore muscles. I know, weird and probably a sign of some sort of psychopathology.
9. Finding out that some random celebrity has become vegan.

10. This...

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