Saturday, March 30, 2013

Oops, and Also Now What?

Alas, I completely forgot to write a post yesterday. I think this is the first time since I started this blog, which I guess is pretty good. Still, it bugs me. Anyway, sorry about that.

So now that I'm done whining about the lack of post yesterday, I'll go ahead and get to today's post. I still haven't heard anything from the police department. I'm starting to wonder if they facebook stalked me and decided that I was too "radical" or something. I had actually kind of wondered about that when I applied in the first place. I mean, animal rights is a pretty controversial subject in any setting, but I'm sure it's even less accepted by law enforcement than it is by the average person. These are the people responsible for arresting the people I think of as heroes after all. Anyway, I have now started trying to decide what my plan B is going to be. Yay! back to square one, yet again. Also, Impala pissed on my bed today, so that was fucking great.

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