Monday, March 25, 2013

(Un) Important Updates

Well, I have nothing interesting to talk about today. So I thought I would just post a few updates about what has been going on in my life, in general.

1. I am still doing the whole raw food thing, and I'm pretty much used to it now.
2. I have almost entirely lost interest in school and am now just trying to make myself keep going until the end of the semester.
3. Impala has cut down a bit on the whole pissing on everything thing. However, he did eat one of my books and the other night he attacked his own tail so hard that he fell down the stairs.
4. I have multiple papers that I am supposed to be writing for school, but instead I have been doing pretty much anything else, including cross referencing actors from my favorite shows. I know, an excellent use of my time.
5. I am also currently watching three different shows. My dad and I are watching Supernatural (first time for him, third for me and still just as good as the first time I watched it!). My mom and I are watching Merlin (a great show despite it's "family-friendly" nature!). And I finally started watching Buffy by myself; I know I'm a bit behind the times on that one.
6. Since I decided to start running, last Friday, I managed to make myself do it every day but two. Sadly, it still hasn't gotten any easier.
7. I never did make that necklace I mentioned before, which really pisses me off every time I think about it.
8. Despite my utter lack of interest in school, my midterm grades turned out okay. I got three As one B and one C. Hopefully that last one will get a bit better by the end of the semester. Although, if it doesn't, I won't really care.
9. I'm loving my new yoga workout, and I would highly recommend it.
10. I was hoping to make this a list of ten but, despite the fact that I included the most pathetically mundane things, my life is so fucking boring that I can only come up with nine.


  1. Congrats on sticking to the raw food (have you noticed yourself having any of the benefits it's supposed to bring?), I'm sorry about school, Buffy! I love Buffy!, and congrats on the grades!

    1. Thank you! Maybe a little more energy, but not a huge difference. Oh well, I'll make it, hahah. Yeah, I'm enjoying Buffy. Thanks, hopefully they'll still be okay by the end of the semester.
