Monday, February 18, 2013

Never Fails to Disappoint

I have a serious tendency to get overly attached to my favorite artists; musicians, actors, writers, painters, whatever. I feel this connection to people who make things that resonate with me. I feel like I can't truly appreciate someone's art unless I can appreciate them as a person as well. Because animal rights is the most important issue to me, and is such a huge part of my life, I am constantly hoping to find that my favorite artists share my beliefs. I have this compulsive need to, whenever I find a new artist I like, search for evidence that they support animal rights. I will frequently spend huge amounts of time (sometimes hours) searching the internet for anything stating that some artist I like is vegetarian or vegan. This almost invariably results in extreme disappointment.

Here is one of my few successes, The Giving Tree Band. An all vegan band that makes really cool, weird , folky music that I love!


  1. I am prepared to like them for their name alone, and since I like weird folky music, I will check them out.

    1. I highly recommend them. They take some getting use to, but I love them!
