Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I finally got my application for the police department turned in yesterday. We'll see what happens now. I still have no idea if I'll get it or, if I do get it, if I'll be able to make it work. I do have another idea if this job doesn't work out though.

About a week ago, I found an article called " 6 Badass Jobs That You're Probably Already Qualified to Do" The first job on the list? Bounty hunter, which they describe as "all the action and danger of being a cop, with none of the rules." To which I replied "Holy fuck! That's exactly what I want!" Apparently, there is a Bounty Hunter Training Academy  that offers a two day course that will teach you things like;

Door/window breach
Non-lethal force
Forcible entries
Tactical take downs
Pre-text art (Essentially, lying)
Weapons handling
Weapons disarmament
Close quarters combat

So basically it sounds like they teach people how to be Sam and Dean. Sign me up! Seriously though, if the whole cop thing doesn't work out, this sounds like a pretty good back up plan.