Friday, February 1, 2013

Being Productive, Watching Fictional Characters Be Productive, Same Thing.

I feel like such a lazy piece of crap today. Since the electricity went out yesterday (It did come back on last nigh, thank god!)  I didn't accomplish anything. Yesterday morning, I kept resetting my alarm clock in the hopes that the next time it went off the power would be back on, but that never happened. I ended up sleeping for like ten hours, which is about twice as long as I usually sleep. Then I couldn't even exercise because my workout is on a DVD (well two DVDs). I hate skipping my workout! I know it's insane but, I automatically feel stronger and more attractive after I exercise. Which means if I skip it, I automatically feel fat and flabby and disgusting. So what did I do with my day, you ask? Why, I sat around at my mom's house and watched Supernatural for hours on end of course. So fucking productive. At least I managed to make it to my test on time. That's something right?

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