Monday, February 25, 2013

My "People Skills" Are "Rusty"

Some of you may be wondering why it is that I frequently post such overly personal and/or awkward and/or embarrassing information here. Well, I'll tell you why; it's because my people skills suck. I am terrible at dealing with people, I am terrible at talking to people, and I am REALLY terrible at telling people things about myself. I can know someone for years, have a million conversations with them and still never actually tell them anything significant about myself. Even with the people I am closest to, who I assume know most of what there is to know about me, I usually can't actually bring myself to talk about very personal things. So for the longest time, people just didn't know anything about me. I don't think most of them really cared to anyway, but still. I just got tired of keeping everything to myself. I got tired of feeling like I was ashamed of so much of who I am. So I decided to just be completely open about everything. I'm not going to hide things anymore. It's too exhausting and, to be honest, I don't really care that much what people think anymore. The way I see it, if I'm completely honest it will weed out the people who I shouldn't be wasting my time on in the first place and whoever is left, those are the people who I should be focusing on. This all sounds great right? But unfortunately, deciding to become an open book doesn't fix the original problem, which is my inability to talk to people. So I bring all of my confessions here to be seen by anyone who might possibly give a shit, whether they are my family or closest friends or some random-ass person from the other side of the world. This is my way of feeling a connection. So thanks for reading, whoever you are.


  1. Good for you! Honesty is the best way, but I know how hard it can be.

    1. Thank you :) I seem to be okay at it as long as I don't have to actually see people, hahah.

  2. As a friend, I have been and will be interested if I'm around. And don't mind my silly name on this. I haven't signed into this thing for probably a few years. I suppose now I must return off of it for another few years.
