Monday, January 28, 2013

Something Worse Than the Ladybugs?

What is the deal with insects attacking me while I'm trying to exercise? Today, I'm right in the middle of my workout and I brush my arm against my pants and feel this sharp pain. I look down and there is a wasp just sitting on my leg. I was already running very late, so I just knocked him off of me and continued with my workout. I tried to keep an eye out for him, but I I didn't see where he went. Then, just as I'm finishing up, I feel multiple stings all over my back. The little fucker flew down the back of my shirt and I didn't even notice until he decided to decided to wage war against me. I can't even tell how many stings there are, but it feels like quite a few.


  1. Oh no! That's one of my worst nightmares. I hate being stung, and I can't imagine having a wasp in my shirt. I hope you aren't stung too badly.

    1. It actually wasn't too bad. Several stings, but none of them were too serious.

  2. If it makes you feel any better, I fell down the stairs this morning and bruised my ass so badly it hurts to both sit and stand. However, my pride hurts the most. I still feel like an idiot.

    1. That's awful! I hate it when that happens. I do it all the time and it's so embarrassing.
