Friday, January 18, 2013

Just What the Fuck Is That Supposed to Mean?

Every so often, these weird things happen to me that I would probably think were signs from the universe or something, if it weren't for the fact that they don't make any damn sense. Yesterday while I was exercising, I was trying desperately to think of a word. This happens to me all the time. I have a pretty decent vocabulary, but for some reason I'm constantly losing track of words. I will just randomly try to think of a particular word, even a fairly common one, and just not be able to find it. So yesterday, I was trying to think of this word that basically means unavoidable. I knew it wasn't even an uncommon word. It was one people use all the time, I just couldn't think of it. I kept feeling like I almost had it, then it would slip away. Every time I lost it, the word "imminent" would pop into my head. I knew it wasn't the right one, but I couldn't seem to get rid of it. It was like my brain was insisting that "imminent" was the word I really wanted. This kept happening throughout my entire, hour and a half long, workout. It was so aggravating that I decided that, as soon as I was finished, I would go to, look up unavoidable and find the word I was thinking of. Meanwhile, my obnoxious brain keeps throwing "imminent" at me. So I finally finish my workout, go to my computer, get to, and what do I see right in the middle of the homepage? I giant ad for some word game, which reads "Imminent, eminent and immanent. Do you know the difference?" Perhaps I'm just crazy, but it felt REALLY trippy.

By the way, the word was inevitable. Inevitable.

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