Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Can Hear Your Pain

Last night was the new episode of Supernatural and, for the first time all season, I actually got to watch it when it came on! I am going to try to talk about it without giving anything away, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Cas now works at a gas station, I feel safe saying that because we learn that in the first five minutes of the episode. Anyway, I honestly find these episodes that focus on Cas trying to figure out how to be human almost as depressing as the episodes where everyone dies. Watching him do all of these mundane human things, the same things that I've always hated doing, and trying to find meaning in it all is just so fucking sad! Not to mention the fact that watching his social interactions is like looking in a goddamn mirror. And I'm not even going to talk about his attempts at romance, I'm just not. It's all just way too familiar. 
His smock even kind of looks like mine; ugly, shapeless, polyester monstrosities! 

*The title is a quote from the episode, by the way. Saying anything more about it would be spoilers. 

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