Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Interesting People

Yesterday I mentioned "the interesting people" who came into Goodwill, so today I thought I would go into a bit of detail about them. First, a guy came in looking for things to take apart and use for pieces of a steampunk costume. When he told me about it, he was so happy that I actually knew what steampunk was that he showed me pictures, on his phone, of the stuff he had already made. I will tell you right now, it was pretty badass. The second interesting person was a guy I have seen in the store a couple of times before and I am always impressed by his determination to just not give a fuck about what other people think. He dresses in women's clothes, but nothing over-the-top, sort of what you might call business casual. He is obviously not, however, trying to look like a woman. He has a very traditional male haircut, and a mustache. I happen to think that is pretty fucking cool. He is basically saying "Yeah, I'm a guy and I like to wear women's clothes. So what?" Also, he looks better in those clothes than most of the women I see come through that place.
This is the closest thing I could find to anything that looked like the costume Steampunk Guy was making. 

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