Thursday, August 15, 2013

It's Okay, I Can Afford it

When I didn't have a job, I somehow managed to spend almost no money. I got by on the little bit I had saved for a very long time (with some help from my parents, unfortunately). So I thought that once I actually had a job I would, at the very least, be able to stop being a huge mooch and hopefully save at least a little bit of money. Instead, it's like this switch has been flipped in my head and now I suddenly feel like I have money, even though I don't at all. I am still just as much of a mooch as I ever was and I haven't saved a fucking cent. I just keep spending money that I don't have on shit that I don't need and telling myself that it's okay because I have a job now.
I just bought this necklace from Hearts In Your Jewelry because it was just too perfect to resist! I am a fool, a poor fool with terrible money-management skills (and a really cool new necklace!). 

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