Sunday, August 11, 2013

Fuck You Too, Sink!

 Even the most mundane aspects of my life have to, for some reason, turn into these huge ordeals. Most people probably don't know this, but working at Goodwill makes your hands incredibly gross. There is some sort of black crud that builds up on the hangers ( I refer to it as "hanger goo")and, by the end of the night, my hands are completely coated with the shit. So, right before we leave for the night, I always go to the employee bathroom and wash my hands so I don't have to drive home with black stuff all over me. Well the automatic sink in our bathroom has decided that it can just come on or not come on as it pleases. So for the past several nights I have; put soap on my hands, lathered them up thoroughly, tried to rinse them, tried to rinse them again, ultimately fought with the sink so long that I finally gave up and went to the customer bathroom (with soap dripping off of my hands), at last gotten the soap rinsed off, found that all of the other employees were standing around waiting for me so we could leave for the night.
Our sink isn't actually one of these; it's one of the motion sensor ones, but I feel like our sink and this sink would get along quite well. 

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