Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thoughts on Love Part 2: I've Got It!

Okay, so here it is. My newly-discovered, personal definition of Love.

Love is a genuine desire to be near someone, even when they are at their worst, without any judgements or expectations. That's it. If someone is being kind of shitty and you still want to be around them, without thinking less of them for it, or expecting anything from them in return, that's love. There are lots of other things that go along with Love. Like all the things I mentioned yesterday; putting their happiness on the same level as (and sometimes above) your own, getting enjoyment from seeing them happy, etc. But if you ask me, the difference between love and Love is just simply wanting to be with the other person no matter what. I'm not saying this necessarily has to be romantic love either. I think this could just as easily apply to a best friend or family member. It is that feeling of deep connection and comfort that makes you feel better when you are with a person, than you do when you are not with them.  

Look for part 3 tomorrow.

*I know I used a LOT of plural pronouns in place of singular pronouns, but I hate saying his/her, he/she, whatever. This is one instance where I will knowingly be grammatically incorrect.