Saturday, October 12, 2013


I've always heard that people are basically born either introverts or extroverts, that it's just something that's built right into each of our personalities. I'm not entirely sure that's always the case. I think there may be natural introverts and extroverts, and manufactured introverts and extroverts. I, for one, am definitely an introvert. The very thought of having to deal with people is, at times, just too much for me to handle. However, I think the avoidance of contact with other humans is a learned behavior for me.

There are three reasons I believe this; 1-I have heard that introverts enjoy being alone. I do not. I just don't happen to enjoy being with people either. 2- Supposedly, introverts feel drained after any type of social interaction. I feel drained after the WRONG type of social interaction. If I actually spend time around people I like, I feel better afterwards. 3- I do not believe that I was born with an aversion to social interaction. When I was a kid, I used to love talking to people. I think it was when I went to school and realized that I was not like the other kids that I began to pull back from them.

I don't know that this information will be of any help to me, in my life. It's just something I've been thinking about.