Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Where the Fuck Did Those Come From?

I don't know how it's possible, but I seem to be getting old without actually growing up. I know twenty-six really isn't that old, but it sure feels like it is. Also, I'm starting to notice wrinkles on my face which is fucking horrifying! I remember back in my theater class in high school we went on this field trip to an actual theater. They took us back stage and showed us how to do some of the makeup techniques. One of the things they showed us was how to make ourselves look old by raising our eyebrows and darkening in the lines on our foreheads. When I tried to do it it didn't work, because even when I raised my eyebrows I didn't have any noticeable lines. That is no longer the case. Unfortunately it appears that getting wrinkles does not, in fact, make you an adult. I still have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.


  1. My dad told me today that (almost) 26 was old and that it was about time for me to be getting my shit together (I'm paraphrasing).

    I resisted the urge to smack him. I deserve a medal.

    1. Wow! You do deserve a medal for that! I would have been pissed. I actually got the opposite speech from my dad, which would have been nice if I believed him, hahah.

    2. Yeah. . . I swallowed it down and let it go.

    3. Not sure I would have been able to do that.
