Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Obsessess

Last night my friend (and most loyal and valued reader), Rachel, shared this thing from the Oatmeal, in which the writer talked about "The Blerch".  Apparently the Blerch is a "fat little cherub" who follows him around and tells him to be lazy and eat terrible food and generally let his life go to shit. When I read this I was like "I have one of those too!" The more I thought about it though, I realized that mine is a little different. Instead of telling me not to do things it tells me to do lots of things; lots of stupid, pointless, time consuming things that end up taking up time that I should be using to do things that actually matter. Also, it doesn't tell me to eat terrible food; it juts tells me to eat A LOT of food. I have decided to call her the Obsessess, because once she gets an idea in her head she does not let it go. She is the reason that I will watch an entire series in record time, find a board I like on Pinterest and look at every last pin even if there are hundreds of them and it's 2am, the reason I will no longer let myself buy corn chips, and the reason I am always late for everything.


  1. I found that Oatmeal article particularly insightful, not just because of the running topic. I'm glad you got something out of it too. I also have a fat little troll (not a cherub) that hinders me in my life. I don't cool name for mine like you do, but I feel your pain.

    1. I found it very insightful too. I definitely understood a lot of what he said. Hahah, I just came up with that name as I was writing the post.
