Saturday, June 15, 2013

How Did........Where Did......What?

Alright so for some reason, that is beyond my comprehension, I have this odd tendency to get other people's hair stuck to me. Like, not just the hair of people I have been in close contact with, but strangers' hair. I literally walk past people in a store and then hours later find their hair stuck on my clothes, on a regular basis. It's like I'm overly statically charged or something. Anyway, I've actually gotten somewhat used to this vaguely disturbing phenomenon. Well today it escalated quite drastically. I had just gotten out of the shower, where you would think any stray hairs would have been washed away, and I found a long hair stuck to my leg. It was at least 4 or 5 times too long to belong to me. Then I picked it off and held it up to the light and noticed that it was, get this, blue! Like TARDIS blue. How in the fuck did a long, blue hair get stuck to my leg while I was in the shower? I don't even know anyone with blue hair.