Sunday, June 2, 2013

From Now on It's All Batman Parking for Me

The Subrusaurus (my car) has apparently decided that she doesn't like to go in reverse anymore. From time to time she will make an exception but, for the most part, I have had to find ways to get around without being able to back up for the past several days. When I go to the pig barn I have to make a large circle in the grass, when I go to my mom's house I have to part in the Rite Aid parking lot across the street, and when I get back to my dad's house I have to perform a very complicated maneuver which involves pulling down into the driveway then whipping the car back up toward the road and putting it in neutral in order to drift backward into my parking spot. I have completed it successfully a grand total of one time. It is obviously not going to be long before I am forced to buy another car. So here is my dilemma, I have to get a job in order to have money to buy a car, but if I get a job and then my cars dies I will have no way to get there.....hmm. Obviously I know I am going to have to get a job anyway, but making it there without a car will be a giant pain in the ass. Plus I imagine it's illegal as fuck to drive a car that is incapable, or unwilling, to go in reverse.
Maybe I'll paint her like this. Do you think that would make me more or less likely to get a ticket? 


  1. I think it would make it more likely you get a reputation as (even more) awesome! Seriously. I will help you paint it.

    1. Thank you, hahaha. I think we should totally do it!

  2. Replies
    1. I haven't seen them again. I have been avoiding my car at night as much as possible though. So I can't be sure.

  3. I'm curious to where you found this picture of the car.

    1. With a Google image search. I think I did either "batmobile" or "batman parking" I can't remember.
