Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Today Is a Good Day I Think for Doing Things that Are a Waste of Time

So.....it is currently -5 outside. This fucking sucks! Obviously, I will not be leaving the house for anything that is not absolutely necessary. Also, I don't think I will be working out today since my exercise room still has an air conditioner in one of the windows, and none of the other windows seal properly, and I don't particularly feel like getting frost bite whilst I do yoga. So I think today will be my day for doing all the things that I always want to do but don't do because I feel like there are better uses of my time. I already stayed in bed until 10:00 which, -5 or not, makes me feel like a lazy asshole. I think I will read the rest of American Gods, which I have been working on forever because I never read for more than a few minutes at a time. Perhaps I will also break out my clay and work on some more molds, which may or may not ever be used. Who knows, maybe I'll even get super motivated and write something worthwhile.


  1. Hope you get stuff done! Is that a good book?

    1. Thank you :) I did okay. The book was excellent! You are more than welcome to borrow it sometime, if you want. I think you would really like it.
