Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pulling It Off

You know those people who are totally over-the-top, and ridiculous, and possibly insane, but still somehow attractive? The ones who do the weirdest, most absurd, things but you still want to be around them anyway? The ones who never get embarrassed and obviously don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks of them, and somehow that makes people love them? I have always wanted to be one of those people. I think I could do it too. I definitely have the weirdness part down. All I would have to do is stop stifling my natural behaviors. The problem is, I just don't think I have to confidence to pull it off. I have never been able to do anything crazy without getting embarrassed about it, and I don't think it works unless you can do it with no regrets. I think that's the difference between being one of those crazy charismatic people and just being really fucking weird.
Sam, from Garden State, is my hero. 

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