Monday, September 9, 2013

Once Upon a Time

The other day I mentioned that I believe that the secret to not being treated like shit is, for the most part, being confident in your choices. I said that I knew this from personal experience, so I'm going to explain that a little. When I was in school, specifically high school but really the whole way through, I was the weird kid. I always dressed differently, acted differently, hell even talked differently than everyone else. I had few friends, never participated in any sports/clubs/etc. and never made even the tiniest effort to fit in. By the way, I also had terrible skin and braces. However, despite the fact that I'm sure everyone thought I was a complete freak, I never got picked on. I'm sure some of the more unpleasant members of my class said things about me behind my back from time to time, but almost no one ever said anything bad about me to my face. I truly believe this was due to the fact that they knew it wouldn't make any difference. I didn't want to be like them and they knew it. I had no desire for their approval, and this left them with no reason to express their disapproval.

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