Monday, December 24, 2012

I Will Go all River Tam on Your Ass

A while back, in my communication class we did group presentations. One group did their presentation on why they DON'T support equal rights for women. One of the reasons they gave, all of which were completely idiotic by the way, went something like this "Girls, if you punch your boyfriend do you really want him to be able to punch you back?" I want any guys who are out there to know this; if I ever punch you, I fully expect you to punch me back. Just like if you ever punch me, you can expect me to kick the shit out of you. I don't feel that the fact that I'm a women in any way entitles me to violence without repercussions.


  1. Wow. Were there women in that group? I probably would have been standing up in class screaming about that presentation.

  2. I have now read this four times, and I am still incredibly pissed off. I want to go River Tam on your classmates

  3. Yes! There were two men and two women. I couldn't believe it. I had a very hard time not screaming at them. There was only one guy who said the incredibly stupid stuff, but just the fact that the others agreed to do that topic for their presentation made me want to punch them.
